eternal sunshine

for happy thoughts and good things


on courage

Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage.
- Anais Nin

After coming across this quote, it struck me, how true it was. Where life is a seemingly endless routine of everyday things, with regular interruptions of rest and sleep, and just that: you may find someone who complains a lot or maybe is irritable or just plain boring. But where life is passion and every day is made into something new, you will find a person who’s happy and in its true essence, alive!

This led me to thinking on how does one seek courage? And I got to thinking about my life…what courageous things have I done, and would like to do?

I have, courageously…
1. climbed many mountains.
2. gone snorkeling.
3. sled down a swimming pool slide.
4. spoke in public.
5. drove a car by myself for the first time.
6. resigned from my job without knowing where I was going.
7. stood up for my rights and asserted myself.
8. traveled to Sagada, Cebu and Bohol.
9. walked across a two-rope bridge and jumped off at the end of it (with a harness of course).

I hope to, courageously…
1. get married.
2. have children.
3. learn how to swim.
4. follow my passion and risk for my dreams.
5. wear a swimsuit without the shorts and walk across a beach.
6. ride a motorcycle.
7. travel to a foreign land (even if I don’t speak a word of their language).
8. complete all ropes courses in MMLDC.
9. complete an MA degree.
10. cook a full meal down to the dessert and be proud of it.

Life will present to us what we seek for. And if we are open to the adventures that present themselves to us, we’ll discover a whole new life that is truly worth living.


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