eternal sunshine

for happy thoughts and good things


in between

After the excitement and stress of the wedding, things have finally settled down. I feel more grounded and sanay to wake up to somebody next to me. I haven't got the 'wife' thing pat down yet --- sometimes I forget to pack up my husband's clothes and I even use my own bag --- but I think I'll get there.

Mark and I are in the state of in-between...all the time. We don't have a house yet so we shuttle between my parents' house in Antipolo and Mama's house in Fairview. We have clothes in the two houses. My mom has reserved towels and kumot for us when we sleep there. We have our own towels here in Fairview.

In some ways, it's a bit tiring...we can't call any home really ours although we've become more comfortable in them after two months.

This state of in-between has good in it. We get pampered anywhere we go, at miss kami ng bawat pamilya habang wala kami. Mama cooks our favorite food when we're at her house, the same goes for Daddy and Mommy. Any house we go to, it's just happiness to be together again.

However, we can't be like this forever. Time will come that we have to have our own home, where we can build our own family. We've been looking and I really think we'll have our own lot (at least) by the end of the year.

Until that time comes, though, we're happily stuck in-between!



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